Well, folks, this is the YouTube video on life in Kaki Bukit in the seventies and eighties, posted by Muzaffar703. I wish I could thank him personally or he would by chance stumble upon my blog, as I had stumbled upon his video. Note the 'little hut' that housed the 'bucket-type latrine' of the 'good old days of poor sanitation and plumbing' (Snicker and Sneer).
I would also like to thank T Azra who conveyed his salam through Remgold's blog. I hope there are many silent readers like him who enjoyed reading my postings but are too shy to comment.
I would also like to share another title of the same genre, A Kite in the Evening Sky by Shaik Kadir, as mentioned by T Azra. It is a lower secondary text published by Marshall Cavendish Education. It recounted a childhood in Geylang Serai in the late fifties and sixties. I will try to get my hands on the book and do an off-the-cuff review. Til then, God speed!
Jalan Perwira?
To too faraway from Jalan Kecut?
Kaki Bukit, used to follow My Mother to Jalan Ambok Solo to her ustaz's place.
Jalan Perwira, Jalan Bakti, Jalan Damai are some of the streets in Kaki Bukit, down the hill from the mosque, the community clinic and 4PM. Jalan Kecut, Jalan Daud and Jalan Ambok Solo are all up the hill. Where did you grow up, Ummie?
Jalan Kechut, Damai is still there.
Damai, a thriving place now.
4PM now, if I'm not wrong, is at one of the HDB block of J Damai / J Tenaga.
What mosque is that?
I used to stay at Paya Lebar, not too faraway from Geylang Serai.
Wow, I would feel so lost, like a Temuan walking down the tunnel linking Damansara Perdana with Kampong Sungai Penchala. I don't remember the name of the mosque but it was at the precipice of the hill before it dipped into the steep slope into Jalan Damai. But I do remember the road leading to Paya Lebar whenever I went to buy Mee Hailam with a cousin at the corner coffee shop of Lorong 37.
Stumbled upon your blog when reading up remgold celoteh. We used to live around kaki bukit, downhill from the mosque in the late sixties Don't quite remember where exactly. I knew a Pak Cik Buang living nearby and my late father is Ariffin Mohd Zain who used to work with MSA (Malaysia Singapore Airlines)
Sdr Roslan,
Glad you turned at my blog via remgold.
If I'm not mistaken, that was Jalan Damai too but ours was off the main road, on the unpaved road before 1965.
I've heard of Pak Cik Buang, he may be one of the community leaders then but your family moved in after we have left for KL.
When did you guys move out and is your family still in Singapore now?
Do you know any one who remembers the name of the mosque up the hill? I need to verify the facts before sending this compilation to the editor and illustrator to be printed, InsyaAllah.
Thank you. Do drop in again!
Salam Sdri Baiti. Nama masjid ialah Masjid Alkaff Kpg Melayu. Sekarang masjid yang diganti terletak di Bedok Reservoir. Nama masjid masih dikekalkan.
Salam Sdri Shamsia,
Terima kasih. Semoga Allah merahmati sdr dan semua Muslimin.
Ya, best ah dapat tengok gambar good old Jalan Perwira days.:) I used to live at No.83 Jalan Perwira 1965 to 1977/78... - Nasharudin Jumadi
Ya, best ah dapat tengok gambar the good old Jalan Perwira days. I used to live there in 1965 to 1977/78... - Nasharudin Jumadi
HI semua... Best ah dapat info tentang kampung kaki bukit kita dulu dari sdr dan sdri semua... Nostalgia... Nasharudin
Interesting Blog.. Keep it up!
Anyone of has the old street directory for Kampung Kaki Bukit dulu.. Should be very interesting...:)
Salam Sdr Nasharuddin,
Maaf, saya cuti bulan Ramadan dan sebahagian Syawal; baru hari 'ni ternampak komen-komen yang belum diterbitkan.
I'm glad you stumbled on to this blog and really appreciate your encouragement to keep on blogging. I, too, would like to have a copy of an old street directory and will most probably enquire from Dr Hadijah Rahmat on my next visit to Singapore.
Salam semua,u can go to FB Jiran lama Kampung Kaki Bukit to look for long lost friends, nostalgic photos, etc., even the old map of Kampung Melayu, Singapore.
Salam Shamsia,
Thanks once again for giving me leads to valuable resources. And I've already been accepted as a member of JLKKB!
Thanx for the vid.. Drove by the mosque & remembered my late grandparents.. & google before stumbling to your blog.. I can vaguely remember the kampung scene cos I didn't actually lived there... Just weekend visits..
My late grandparents used to live @ no.33 , yup! Jln Perwira.
Salamun alaik,
You're most welcome.
My apologies for being away from the blog for more than a year.
May Allah swt bless your grandparents' souls.
I cried buckets watching this video... Reminds me of my old kampong too.. May I share this lovely video?
Thanks Kak Zie
Yes, it's really heart-wrenching, isn't it? Where's your old kampong? Sure, it's not mine. I just took the liberty to share it.
You're most welcome, Kak Zie
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